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10 things that can make moving to a new city easier

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Learn the language, embark on new activities or explore your neighborhood, discover what can make your life easier when settling in a new city.

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Parcoursup 2020 results: the next step, your accommodation

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It's the home straight for Parcoursup: find out about the latest modalities and start your search for student accommodation now!

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Coronavirus and students: 3 tips to stay focused at home

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Have an online class and can't concentrate while at home? Here are some tips for you from ImmoJeune.

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Coronavirus: Rent at 0 € in April for students in university accommodation

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Frédérique Vidal, the Minister of Higher Education has taken measures to support students in the face of the coronavirus: rent in university residences, employment, scholarship, etc.

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Facilitate your administrative procedures during a move

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Are you going to move and you do not know all the administrative procedures to do? Move into your student accommodation with peace of mind with this great deal.

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Aid of 150 euros for scholarship students and salaried students

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Aid of 150 euros for scholarship students, salaried students and young beneficiaries of APL. An exceptional premium for personalized housing assistance.

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